
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pot Pie afterthoughts!

  • Just a few things I've been thinking about since my last post, concerning pot pie of course!
  • The biscuit topping could be added to the top of ANY thick stew, after moving it into a baking dish, and then just bake it up. What a great way to revise your leftover stew!
  • My favorite after thought is this, the next time I make a thick chili, I'm going to bake it with this biscuit topping.. Here's the sneaky Wisconsin part, I might shred some cheese on it before adding the biscuit topping, then bake it!! Although I'm trying to eat less cheese(see my next post about Goals!) I can't help but picture serving up chili with melted cheese and biscuit baked on top! Cheese is my dog's last name after all(yes I always have a good excuse to eat cheese) more about my dog later!!
  • The day after I made it, I had scooped the last bits of pie that still had biscuit left on it, into a small oven proof dish, for Javi to bring to work at our store at heat in our toaster oven(I quit using microwaves 16 years ago), there were still a couple of cups left of the veggie filling part left. I then thought I would either just freeze the filling and add it to another soup at a later date or add more topping and bake it again if everyone wasn't sick of it all ready. Usually I will let leftovers sit in the fridge for a few days(never more than a week) and then they go into the freezer, labeled and dated, no matter now small. Even a tiny bit of leftovers can add flavor to something I'm cooking later. I hate to waste any food, and it really does help me later so why not!
  • While still contemplating what to do with my leftovers a good friend of ours stopped by. We had just finished eating dinner, Javi made swordfish with this delicious sun-dried tomato topping and I made a scalloped potato dish I was hoping to post here(I wound up not liking how it turned out) (yes I do eat fish occasionally, but only a few times a year for me, even then only a couple of bites!). Anyways our friend looked hungry so we offered him some leftover potato dish(really wasn't very good, but I don't think he noticed) he ate a bunch of that and then went for the leftover pot pie filling in the fridge. Fine by me, as long as someone is eating it! He helped himself to a bowl of it and then(I didn't see this part but Javi and Lili told me later) set the pan in the sink and filled it with water with atleast 2 cups of food still in it!! Now maybe that is how they do things at his house, but for one, we don't even have a food disposal system in our sink so I try hard to keep bits of food out of there, the thought of getting soggy food bits out of there later isn't very fun! For two, I would've happily still froze the leftovers. For three, Javi and Lili were both sad when they told me because they liked the pie so much they would've both eaten it with out the biscuit!
  • I didn't say anything to my friend because I found out about it after he was gone, too late anyways...Maybe it is different at his house. It's harder to throw food away if you go out of your way to buy organic, local produce etc., and it cost a little more. I don't think he does this, and it's probably easier to throw away some leftover canned pea looking mixture(maybe he thought that's what it was?) if it was cheap(in more ways than just cost!). Plus how long can I dwell on a couple of cups of wasted food?? Ok I'm over it! The good part was I realized that Javi and Lili did truly love the pot pie, and that Lili is learning not to waste food. She's only 10 so that's pretty good!!(check out LiliPhotoLife to see her blog!).
  • In conclusion, I will be the one serving up the leftovers to guests next time! Also, kids love the pot pie, enough to not want to waste a drop, and it's filled with healthy stuff!! Try it out Moms!!
  • I've been wanting to write about some of my recent goals, my kids(had to take paragraph about them out of profile for it to fit), my pets, and my latest project, a recycled bag bag! One of these topics or more are coming up next, stay tuned!!!