
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Coffee Enema Experiment!!

  • Yes, you read it right! I have decided to write about my first time trying a coffee enema. If this is T.M.I.(Too Much Info) for you than stop reading here!
  • Ok, so I've been wanting to try this for years, yes, really! I have a few health issues that really scare me and as I have no medical insurance(I am currently on a waiting list for WI state insurance, Badgercare, since November, it might be a while, 12,000 people ahead of me!), I do a lot of research on my own(about home medicine, healing your self, natural remedies etc..) and I have been doing this out of pure interest for about 17 years! I do love it and I help my family and friends with ailments all the time! Also I have to say that even in the past, at times when I have had insurance, I still rarely used it. When I did resort to going to a conventional doctor I found myself disappointed. Either the doctor gave me info I all ready knew, or offered me prescription drugs that I wound up not using. I know many people have had the same experience.
  • Last week Javi and I decided to do some body cleansing. I truly feel that most of the damage done to our bodies(and minds!) has been done by eating processed foods and eating animals and veggies that have been sprayed with unnatural things(pesticides etc) or pumped with unnatural things(hormones etc.). Try to just eat organic, natural, unprocessed food for a day(or everyday ideally!) and then you will start to notice (if you haven't all ready!) all of the poisoned food everywhere that most people are eating!
  • Has anyone else ever found it funny(or sad!) that when you go into a conventional grocery store, a big one, there is usually only a tiny section, if any at all, that is labeled NATURAL FOOD???? (so what is the rest of this stuff then?) What is with this?? How is it that we have come to accept that it is ok that most of our diet is unnatural? It's somehow weird to most people to eat natural(I'm sure some of you are now saying, OH, Ladonna is one of those health nuts, or whatever). Really it is supposed to be natural to eat real food. Then everyone is surprised to find that they have health problems, after eating stuff your body doesn't even know what to do with..? Back to the enema...
  • Getting the toxins out!! We have been making loads of fresh juice 3-4 times a day for the last 5-6 days. Each of our batches of juice consists of about 8-10 large carrots(peeled), and a variety of other things; beets, apples, celery, cucumbers, oranges, grapefruit, kale, grapes and a little ginger root, all organic. We try to make enough in each batch for a large glass for each of us, and Lili. It takes some extra time to do this but we feel it is worth it.
  • Now that we are getting the toxins moving around in our bodies the trick is to flush them out. I have heard it can even be dangerous to just do heavy juicing and not do anything to get it out. So here is where the coffee enema comes in, Javi and I stayed home from work today, to try this, for the first time!! I'm a little nervous, since I have never done this, but excited too to cleanse my body!
  • I have heard lots of stories about people doing this and how much lighter you feel after, not to mention the great caffeine buzz that is supposed to last for hours. I'm not doing it for the coffee buzz but see it as hopefully a pleasant side effect of something not so pleasant sounding!
  • The idea is that the caffeine gets your liver pumping and creating more bile which is filled with toxins and then you can flush them out of your body. If you still think I sound crazy, just search 'coffee enema' online and read for a few minute(or hours) this treatment is very popular! If you research The Gerson Theory you will learn about Max Gerson, a doctor who has cured many cases of cancer, coffee enemas included!! Check out his movie 'The Beautiful Truth' (I got this from Netflix once and also ordered it at my library once) , I would love to hear what anyone thinks about this or if anyone has a story to share.
  • Recently we changed insurance companies for our store, Creative Waters, and now go through a local guy who we just found in the phone book.. While sitting in his office chatting we just started talking about food and wild mushroom hunting(he is a morel hunter like me!). He is an interesting person to talk to and somehow wound up telling us that his mom had cancer and the doctors told her she had 6 months-2 years to live. His mom actually went to the Gerson Center in Mexico(there is one in CA too now) and she lived for 13 years!! Really worth checking out if you know someone with cancer.
  • Back to the enema again... I will list instructions after it's all over if anyone wants to try this at home. Though I would suggest doing more research first to make sure it is something you really want to do. Our coffee is cooling now so I am a few minutes away from MY FIRST ENEMA!!!! Ok, I'm feeling a little nervous again. I'm going to go make sure everything is ready, I will write more when it's over!!