
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feeling low energy today...

  • Ok, so yesterday I did the coffee enema and I was too high from it to sit and write the details, I had no idea it would be like that. Now I feel super low energy, I don't think it is because of the enema, but because I have been trying to cleanse for a week now and I feel the toxins are really coming out! This is normal so I am not surprised! Fortunately Javi went to run our store today, he's been so great, and I get to stay home and try to feel better.
  • In my post yesterday I added a link to a site that gives good details of how to do a coffee enema so I will leave that as my directions, encase you want to try it.
  • Just want to add first, I was chatting with a friend yesterday and she seemed to think it was gross that I would write about something so personal. I'm writing about it for a couple of reasons. One is because I truly think it is important to cleanse all of the toxins out and I feel if I talk about it more people will feel better about doing it. Two, well because I don't think our bodies are anything to be shy about since EVERYONE HAS ONE! So really, what is the big deal?? Hope that I'm not offending anyone!
  • So we made our coffee, boiled water first instead of using distilled water, and about 4 heaping Tbsp of coffee total for the 2 of us, me and Javi. Then let it cool for about 2 hours, in a giant mason jar. Then poured it into our two plastic enema bags as evenly as we could.
  • About the enema bags. It actually says right on these bags(which are disposable) that the type of plastic they are made of can cause cancer! We bought them online last summer and wanted to try it then but didn't because of the warning on them, we were confused! Finally we decided to just use them anyways, but now are hoping to find something re-usable that isn't made of plastic to do it again. I know a couple of years ago I heard on public radio that this type of plastic was being banned for food packaging and especially for making baby bottles in California because of the toxic cancer causing ingredients in it, no kidding! This plastic is still totally legal(as far as I know) everywhere else. Our enema bags were a CA product so I think that is why it had the warning on it. If it was from anywhere else it probably wouldn't have any warning, so be cautious, and try not to use any plastic whenever possible. I'm not joking, I know it sounds far fetched, but unfortunately it is true!
  • I had brought a few pillows and blankets into our bathroom, a space heated(it's otherwise a little cold in there) and a radio. Then I laid some older towels down on the blankets, coffee does stain so keep that in mind! Javi and I were both pretty nervous at this point making bad jokes and trying not to back out.
  • Next we put our tubes in! It did feel a little weird at first, then we hung our bags above us(mine on a drawer handle, Javi's on the shower nozzle) you have to do this for gravity to get the coffee to go in. Then laid down on our right sides, this is recommended, and started to fill up! Ok so it was a bit uncomfortable, and I had read that if you start to feel any cramping to take some deep breaths so we did this as needed and it did help. Eventually the uncomfortable feeling went away, mostly.
  • After it is all in(don't feel too pressured to make sure it is all in, just do what feels comfortable enough, you can always work up to more later), then clamp off the tube, remove tube from body, and try to just lay there holding it in for up to 15 minutes! Again, if you can't it's ok, just do what you can and remember you can always work up to more time on your next try.
  • I actually made it the 15 minutes, Javi didn't last quite that long but almost. Then you just release and start getting rid of all sorts of toxins and stuff that has been in your body for way too long!! Afterward I felt great! The caffeine buzz lasted atleast 4 hours, hard to say for sure because it just flew by. I was able to fall asleep at my normal time and Javi did too.
  • I would totally recommend this to anyone who is wanting to cleanse and feel better! Make sure you do lots of research first(like I said earlier, just do a google search for coffee enema for all kinds of info, including instructional videos etc..). If you are really sensitive to coffee you might want to try a different type of enema, there are lots out there!
  • Really I would love to hear from anyone who wants to chat about this, or hear anyone's story about trying it! Good luck!